Your Earnings Growth Program is about guiding your client’s journey through your business to maximise lifetime value. Rather than focusing on new client acquisition, you focus on acquiring new and developing existing client relationships with what you can characterise as a relationship assembly line.
Assembly lines exist to streamline and control complex, repetitive and labour-intensive processes. They allow you to scale up, reduce costs, increase quality and be more profitable. If your goal is to grow your company and increase your rate of earnings growth, you need a reliable means to get, keep and develop client relationships, cost-effectively.
The problem is, you don’t have a relationship assembly line. You have a marketing “To Do List” and you’re engaged in an endless stream of random marketing activities. Hope is the strategy because there is no clarity around how each activity contributes to your overall objective.
If you’re ready to move away from your “Marketing To Do List” and the “Random Acts of Marketing” vortex, you need to shift your thinking. You need to approach sales and marketing differently. Contact Us to learn how.