Marketing For Professional Service Businesses

Easy To Find, Relevant And Compelling

Easy To Find, Relevant And Compelling

Sales And Marketing For Professionals

Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers And Other Experts

The Challenge

You’re not a salesperson. None of your team are salespeople, and no one wants to be. And yet, you still need to find new business and develop people into long-term clients.

The Typical Approach

Normally, professionals focus on doing good work and building their reputation. They work to build a referrals network and maybe do a bit of executive volunteering and speaking. Unfortunately, this is a slow and time-consuming process.

Ideally, you want people who need you, to find you online. Once they find you, you want your website to engage them, answer their questions and prepare them to work with you with as little hand-holding as possible.

The Alternative Approach

The alternative is a process called inbound marketing. Inbound professional services marketing involves making you easier to find when someone is seeking what you offer. The process involves clarifying your positioning, defining your offer hierarchy and value ladder, building a sales microsite, content marketing and search marketing, You could say it’s about making you easy to find, easy to buy from and easy to refer to.

The purpose is to help you grow your professional service practice without so much time invested in non-core activities.

Where To Start?

If you’re serious about growing your professional service practice without becoming a part-time salesperson, explore our 8-step sales and marketing system development process below.

Starting Points To Consider