Don't Stop A Client Acquisition. Focus On Client Development.

Leading The Journey Through Your Business

Customer Development

Engage, Activate And Develop Customers

One of the main challenges to overcome with marketing is the high cost of client acquisition. Often the easiest way to improve your bottom line is to focus on repeat sales from current customers. People call it customer loyalty, but it’s more powerful to call it customer or account development.

What’s Involved?

The most cost-effective way to engage and develop clients is to establish a dialogue through email, surveys, customer service, account management, social media and reputation management practices. The combination is different for every company, but the premise is the same. The goal is to engage people to generate repeat sales, become preferred, and expand the nature of the relationship so clients buy more frequently and across product lines.

How We Help

We help you develop a plan to engage clients, drive repeat sales, solicit feedback, get reviews and more. How it happens is unique to each business and customer base, but the focus is on value ladder development, client engagement, enrollment, experience design and customer feedback.

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