Guiding Your Client's Path Through Your Business

Guiding Your Client's Journey

Your customer’s journey is the front facing half of your Earnings Growth Program. The back facing half is the journey you take, to become their guide.

As your client’s guide through your business, you need to know where you’re leading them. The challenge is you’re the one creating the path. So where’s the path going to lead? The path is literally how you intend to develop relationships. You start relationships with your brand promise and an exchange of value. But after that, it’s a relationship like any other to develop. It’s up to you to decide what you want to make of it. Will it be a one-time transaction, or will you foster something longer-term?

The economic rationale is to maximise lifetime value, by earning loyalty and developing a fan base. But you are the one who defines the direction and legitimises the effort. It needs to be authentic or there is no relationship.  You build relationships upon a series of shared experiences and communication. Your challenge is to script how those shared experiences unfold. Then you need to become your client’s guide through your business, which is the other side of the coin.

If you’d like to learn more, start by looking at the other half of this coin and then Contact Us to learn more.

Guiding Your Client’s Journey 


Your customer’s journey is the front facing half of your Earnings Growth Program. The back facing half is the journey you take, to become their guide.

As your client’s guide through your business, you need to know where you’re leading them. The challenge is you’re the one creating the path. So where’s the path going to lead? The path is literally how you intend to develop relationships. You start relationships with your brand promise and an exchange of value. But after that, it’s a relationship like any other to develop. It’s up to you to decide what you want to make of it. Will it be a one-time transaction, or will you foster something longer-term?

The economic rationale is to maximise lifetime value, by earning loyalty and developing a fan base. But you are the one who defines the direction and legitimises the effort. It needs to be authentic or there is no relationship.  You build relationships upon a series of shared experiences and communication. Your challenge is to script how those shared experiences unfold. Then you need to become your client’s guide through your business, which is the other side of the coin.

If you’d like to learn more, start by looking at the other half of this coin and then Contact Us to learn more.